Monday, October 22, 2007

Hmmm..Has anyone else had trouble with Blogger?

I was unable to get on the site to post in quite a while!

So, here is the 411:

I got the credit card back (after quite some effort) , the new school is working out rather well for the boys (TY Maria Montessori!) , I finally have sitting room furniture that I like (XXOO Ikea!) and all is well in general.

It's good to be away from all the stress and tension at the shop. It was kind of like a relationship: great at first, then progressively not. This is without pointing any fingers, and without taking all the blame on myself. "Mistakes were made" to quote our mad bad leaders in da gummint. Bad decisions were realized and arguments were had on such a regular basis, I really almost got used to it! Now that I have removed myself, I feel much lighter, am able to sleep better and can focus on the really critical parts of my life: my family.

The DH was diagnosed with a total cholesterol of 279. Yikes. We now have oatmeal and Smart Balance on our table with regularity. Baby B sees his own Tell-Me-About-It doctor twice a month and at school the little "issues" all children seem to have are settling easily. Example: Baby B got into an argument with another child in the classroom, the child pushed him, and Baby B went to tell the teacher. YAY!!!! Last year he would have screamed, hit the boy, pushed him back, or something. I see that the therapy, the asthma medication, the new eczema cream and age are all working well in combination. I told my Tell-Me-About-It doctor about this, and I said, "It's so great the way these situations just work out with time." She pointed out, yes, the passage of time certainly plays a part. However, my efforts in getting Baby B into therapy, going to therapy myself, taking my own meds, getting him on the right asthma medication and my being more available for talking, playing and so on during the day is the biggest part of it.

Gosh, but I love those sessions when I get patted on the head. Kinda nice for a change!

I hope to post again soon, but if Blogger is inaccessible again for a while, leave me a message in the comments and we can email to chat.