Wednesday, December 22, 2004


In all my silly mischievousness, I have never actually taken lawn ornaments from their rightful owners. I have just re-arranged them, or even donated one or two. BUT this crisp, sunny morning, my boys rush downstairs to turn on the Christmas tree lights and the light inside our Wal-Mart brand, plump, plastic polar bear that adorns our lawn and all we saw were tracks in the snow.

It had been stolen.


Well, one of my DH's buddies ‘fessed up over the phone. It turns out he took the polar bear and had a crony assist him lynching my plastic polar bear. Yes, they told us where it was and out we went to view the crime scene. My innocent bear is now dangling from an iron hook 25 feet up a pine tree. I never would have spotted it on my own, especially since the tree is in the neighbor's side yard. Now I have to borrow an extension ladder from someone and cut down the body. I guess I was due a trick played on me – I’m really glad the bear was not actually stolen, but who lynches a polar bear?

What’s funny is that this morning I rushed out and bought a little plastic Santa leaning against a lamppost, so the boys would have a glowing thing to admire from the front window. The way I am going, I’ll have a whole lawn full of light up delights. It’s ghetto-tastic!


Blogger momotrips said...

Our subdivision has these GINORMOUS ornaments that kept disappearing last year. Like who wouldn't recognize a six foot diameter, purple christmas tree ornament in your front yard? Or a 10 foot tall wreath? Everything is chained down this year. I've noticed some people with really elaborate decorations have security cameras trained on their yards. How sad. We've had one of our Thanksgiving scarecrows beheaded in November and someone keeps going around the neighborhood knocking down peoples wooden cutouts. It's because teenage boys are out of school and being allowed to stay out late. I've never understood the joy in vandalism. I hope I can instill the same disgust of it in my own boys.

I'm really sorry to hear about your lawn ornaments - that just sucks.

6:06 PM  
Blogger nita said...

really, though, that sucks.

7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey how come it is ok for the DH and DW to do it but when the buddies do it it is sick or unfare. They are only trying to trick instead of being tricked. Ok maybe it was a little extreme but who started it anyway.

11:50 PM  
Blogger nita said...

anonymous is a chickenshit but *I* say, you reap what you sow, sista! hahahaha. the lynching part is worrisome but you're moving away from his sicko friends anyway....

8:53 AM  
Blogger Mother of Twins & More said...

Yeah, I know that I get back what I dish out, but if you spell "unfair" incorrectly and use the term "how come" instead of the more elegant why, *you* deserve a trick!

2:08 PM  

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