Friday, July 16, 2004

How you have changed!

I was talking with an old friend the other day who expressed concern for me at how I had changed. Apparently, I am not the same carefree, fun-loving gel I was a few years ago, when I lived down South.  She told me she had read some of my blog postings and wasn’t sure it was really me.  We have communicated by phone and a lot of email over the past 5 years, and according to this friend, since the birth of the twins my manner and the manner in which I write have altered.  She said – “I felt stressed out just reading about your life…how can you actually live it?”  Another lady in my acquaintance has said the same sort of thing – “You seem to have lost your sense of humor.”  (Except she also said I have a hard time taking a joke and have always been like that, as long as she has known me.  Huh, go figure.) I wonder; have I really lost it, or have I just found that trying to find the funny side of things even more exhausting than being grouchy?
My, oh my!  This is awful!  I can’t lose my sense of humor on top of losing my figure and my sanity!  How can I let lack of sleep, lack of regular and nutritious meals, lack of mental stimulation and lack of regular exercise get to me like this?! I must do something and fast!  I know; I’ll ask the people who know me and love me to come over on a regular basis, say, twice a week, to help me out with the twins so I can take naps and go for walks and have hot meals!  What a great idea!  Oh, wait…I’ve done that already, and it ain’t workin’. 
Don’t fret, my dears!  I still have my antennae tuned to the vibe of the funny and absurd – I wouldn’t be getting down the details of my life adventures and sharing them like this if I had no sense of humor.  Come on, you must see that I find a lot of what I am going through as hilarious as it is pathetically sad.
Example:  When I was in the hospital, and the boys were just one day old, my parents came to visit, and ostensibly keep me company.  I was, (to put a finger on the most pungent parts of my emotional state) completely freaked out at suddenly having two babies to take care of, nervous about getting them to nurse, and just plain old afraid of not being a good mother to tiny, helpless babies.  Besides, according to two docs and an anesthesiologist, I had almost died the day before.  Anyway, here they were to see me and the boys, but after about 20 minutes of – how cute! and - you need to get some sleep! they said – “Your poor husband needs to get out of here, he must be exhausted!  We are taking him out to lunch; there’s a new place Zagat’s guide gave a 20 for food.  Bye!” And they took off, leaving me with a bell for the nurse and a morphine drip to keep me company.  Now even I, the victim, can see that situation was as hilarious as it was sad.  If I didn’t laugh about it now, and add it to my repertoire, then you could say I don’t know anything about humor.
Yes, ladies, I’ve still got it…


Blogger nita said...

your figure is fine and you were never sane so don't waste time missing your sanity!

i think you're funny :)


12:33 AM  

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