A cup, a cup, a cup, a cup of coffee
Recently I read a comment posted on this blog, from an anonymous, who said she didn’t like the remark in my profile about unless you have twins and are breast-feeding and co-sleeping, you can’t know what I am going through. She commented that she felt alienated by that sentence, and it made her feel “like you're rubbing my face in how much more difficult/challenging your situation is than mine.” This lady has twins too, and I am sure she has had some of the same problems/experiences I have been through.
Well, we ALL think we have it harder than the next gal. We ALL think we suffer more than the next Mama, and that we do it better, too. I know in many ways my home situation is great, (the weekly house help and the three days a week babysitter for three hours at a time) and in other ways I feel as if I am trapped in a Hell of my own creation, (no career, except being a mama, no job, except looking after babies, no-one to visit or talk to, unless I call and call and call and beg, or crash a playgroup), which is much worse than being a helpless victim. When you are a victim it’s not your fault; this way, because I CHOSE to have children, it is my fault.
I was upset and annoyed by the comment – of course! I would like to think everyone has great sympathy and admiration for me, the fine job I am doing with the boys and how well I am managing to keep my head above water, and how they are happy and thriving and how I look pretty decent, blah, blah, blah. But I am very afraid of being exposed as a fraud – I am not okay, I am frazzled and tired and I get depressed.
I would like to think people invite me over because they think I am fun and interesting (in spite of my only ever using half the brain for conversation – I need to keep the other half on the boys), but I guess not. I visited someone the other day who later told me that the visit wasn’t fun for her because I was seemed annoyed all the time, as if I expected her to help hold a baby the entire time. I certainly do not expect someone to help hold a baby all the time; number one, they are learning to walk and do not want to be held too much, except by me or my DH; and number two, I am capable of holding them on my own – it’s all I do all day alone in the house anyway. I was just tired, not pissed off at all, but since that’s how she saw me, I guess I can’t hope for a return trip anytime soon, eh? (Hey, Honey! Let’s have Bitchy No-Sense-of-Humor Missy and the twins over for dinner on Tuesday. It’ll be great! She can glower and make unpleasant remarks, and we can feel guilty about not holding her babies the entire time we are eating! Doesn’t that sound fun!?)
I would also like to think I can overcome my addictions, namely to caffeine and sugar. Stronger women than me have tried to wrench free from these chains of substance abuse and have failed; how can I hope to be different from my more hardened and experienced mama cohorts? I had not had any caffeinated coffee for about six weeks, but I did have a coffee and chocolate milkshake this weekend, and felt much better for it. I was, apparently, acting like a pissy bitch and my sister mixed up the shakes, one for me to improve my mood and one for her, so she could tolerate having me in her house for the rest of the day.
I would also like to think I can still be fun and happy and cool to be with, but I guess I am still waiting for my sense of humor to return. Everyone who knows me knows that I really don’t like to be teased, at least not too hard. For some reason, I take it to heart. (Example – I deleted the part of my profile that the Anonymous commenter found alienating. Now if that’s not a sign of insecurity and a need to be loved by everyone, I don’t know what it is. I’m so pathetic.) So, in an attempt to regain some humor, the ability to take a joke on me, some rationality and some sense of how I should act around those who have (obviously lost their collective marbles and) invited me for an overnight/a day/an afternoon/an hour, I have decided it’s okay to have a cup of coffee in the morning and another at the midday lunch time-ish meal. (You know, the “meal” I eat sometime between 11:00 and 3:00…lunch.)
So, in lieu of any real sleep (which ain’t happenin’ soon) here we go! Back to the sweet arms of the daily coffee! Come to me, my caffeinated Baby! Wrap those java limbs around me, and sweep me off my feet. And while you’re at it, could you sweep under the table? I see some Cheery-Oats from the last feedin’ time under there.