Saturday, October 16, 2004

Less hair means I have less on my mind

Well, after thinking about it and thinking about it and and thinking about it and talking about it too, I finally had my shoulder length hair with bangs hair cut off. Yep, it's little boy short, and I have to make an appointment to go back and have it cut even shorter. I feel much better without all that hair getting in my way. I had forgotten how cool it is not to have hair and also I had forgotten just how thick my hair really is. When it was long the weight of it kept it smooth. Short/short it sticks straight up in the air. I have gone back to Dax Wax to keep it somewhat under control. My brother has the same sort of hair, thick and way, and he uses Bryll Creem to slick his hair back a la Sean Connery’s James Bond in Goldfinger. It's pretty groovy.

Less hair means less weight on my brain, and I really need to have less on my mind. I have been getting those attacks of the Mean Reds again. There is a blog I read, Human Oddities and Mishaps (see link on the sidebar) by this neato chica, who just had a post about her DH, she calls him Rainman, and how he made a snippy remark about her “not working”. That has been preying on me lately too. Staying at home all day with my babies, feeding/changig/playing/teaching/chasing all day long. Is that “work” or not? What if I got an outside the homw jobbette? Could I trust another person to care for my pumpkins without wanting to kill them? Or actually do it? There are days/nights/weeks when if I don’t kill myself it’s a bloody miracle. How could someone who doesn’t think they are the cutest, sweetest, most intelligent and darling beings in the world be able to suppress the murderous urge as effectively as I can?

In a past life, I was a makeup artist for Lancome. I am considering getting a seasonal/holiday job at a make up counter this Christmas, but am not sure how it would work out with the DH coming home at 5:30 most days, and the shift starting at 5:00. Would I to Heaven had someone dependable to come over at 4:30 every day to take care of them until the DH turned up. Maybe I’ll see if there’s some job I could have from 6:00 to whenever; but then what about bedtime? They LOVE their night time nursing, and the DH has told me horror stories of them crying and wailing and gnashing their teeth as they crawl around the house looking for me on those nights I am at the Twin Mother Club meetings, and am not home at the critical hour.

I think I would like to “work” a little; I am feeling the constriction of being home ALL THE TIME. Oh, sure I have my lovely playgroup – thank you WL!!! – and I have the museum to visit, Ikea to play in and we do like our walks. But there is nothing that I must do, nothing to do that is scheduled, and must be done or else. Some may say the laundry/shopping/house tidying/putting things away must be done, but I contend that all those house hold “essentials” will damn well be there when I have finished nursing/changing the diapers/settling the baby for a nap. It’s just nicer when the house is neat and the clothes are clean. As far as meals go – Hell, you can always go to Ikea and eat meatballs for 99 cents. Didja know they also sell baby-food in the café?

Maybe I’ll go work at Ikea. I’m there all the time anyway and they may be hiring seasonally. If they offer a discount to employees too....hmmm...

Oh, the ideas that occur to the person with less on the brain. I should have cut my hair off sooner. The next time I have an attack of depression and just can’t THINK, I’m going to go to the garage, get out the clippers and simply free my mind. I’ll just have to be careful not to cut off an ear. With no hair, having only one ear would look a little weird.


Blogger Lala said...

My girlfriend, mother of multiples too, has a similar background to yours - in esthetics. She got a job at the make-up counter at CVS. They're the kind of place that would have better shifts than a dept. store but it may be a bit lower on the scale than Lancome. Just a thought anyway. I feel you dawg! *LOL*

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So jealous! I've wanted short-short-boy-short hair for so long, but it would just make my too round face look even rounder. Enjoy the ease for me!


9:33 AM  
Blogger nita said...

i'll bet it's getting too long already.....just when it looks like the slaundry room will be closing...i'll call you with details

9:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are you? Are you okay? I miss new entries. Does that make me your groupie?


4:04 PM  

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