Thursday, May 05, 2005

Just so y'all know...

In spite of having intense arguments with my mother and a scare with Baby A's health (he may have an infection of the weiner) life is still richly full of humor and zip. Case in point:

I came home from the gym Tuesday night and a strange scorchy smell greeted me.

Me: “What’s that smell? Is that smoke?”
DH: “Yeah, there was some smoke when I made dinner for the boys."
Me: "Why didn't you put on the extractor fan?"
DH: "I was all confused! I didn’t know whether the smoke was from the burned grilled cheese or the burned Jell-O.”

I am sure you can imagine my expression.

Apparently Mister Toddler Attila, a.k.a. Baby B, had climbed on the counter and spilled the Jell-O from lunch over the stove. The DH cleaned it up as best he could, but when he put on the grilled cheese, the burner started smoking, confusing him with the odd smell and he got distracted and left the grilled cheese in the pan a smidge too long.

But they ate it up anyway, went to bed and just the perfume lingered in the air to confuse me in turn. I ask you! Burned Jell-O...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wanted to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day! And hope your kitchen smells better now. Burned jello, too funny!

Sheila C, mom to triplets.

5:57 AM  
Blogger Dani said...

I love it!
A good friend of mine once woke up to her smoke alarm going off and her house full of smoke. Her husband, who had promised he wouldn't, fell asleep on the couch while sterilizing the baby bottles on the stove top. The Avent bottles had completely melted down in the pan.
Her hubby only compounded the problem after he woke up as well to the alarm and panicked, in turn grabbing the smoldering pan from the stove top dropping it onto the counter top, forever imprinting the image of the burnt pan bottom onto her counter :o)

10:58 PM  

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