Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Blue Policemen are cool policemen....

There is a town near me, with the weird name of Blue. I know, what were the founding fathers thinking? Anyway, the police ride around in these cars with "Blue Police" painted on the sides. I get a chuckle every time I see it. I think, “Ohh! Call 911, the police man is choking!” and “Better get some heat in those cars…” and so on.

With Halloween coming up and all, I had an idea! I should call in and suggest the entire force go as the Smurfs. That way, they really would be blue policemen, at least for one day.

D’ja think I’d get arrested for disrespecting a peace officer?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was actually looking for a post I saw yesterday on your site. It was concerning Sign Language. What happened to it?

9:07 AM  
Blogger Mother of Twins & More said...

Yes, I did have another post, in which I told a story about ASL. But someone found part of my tale offensive, so I deleted it.

The book of which I spoke was Joseph Garcia's Baby Signs. I had a link to the Amazon page to buy it. It's a great book and easy to use.

Post another comment with your email and I'll tell you more about my experiences with ASL and babies if you like! I am happy to help!

2:35 PM  
Blogger Mother of Twins & More said...

Well, Nita, you posted you thought it was unkind, so I deleted it.

But for the sake of fact - the child was a boy named "Dove" and the leg length discrepancy is not a big deal. Actually, *I* have a 1/8 difference in my leg lengths, which just gives me a little sashay!

BUT the baby is not a pretty boy, and that I have no problem stating. Some babies are pretty and some are not.

Nita, I apologized to you for upsetting you by being negative in an email. You don't have to forgive me. *I* forgive *you* for upsetting me, because I decided to just get over it. If you want the know why you upset me so much, we can talk one on one, but I feel I can just get over it. It's in the past now.

9:12 AM  

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