Saturday, May 21, 2005

A post about, well, really, nothing at all...

A friend of mine gave me a New York Times article the other day about a guy who did a guest blogging stint on a friend’s political blog. (Blogging, as in slogging, May 15 .) He wasn't much troubled by the fact that as a Liberal guest on a Conservative site he was bound to get some negative feedback. No, he found the real trouble to lie in the answer to the question - What do I write about? The conclusion he drew, after posting several times and getting several scathing responses, was - write about what you know best. Pick a pet topic and go into gory detail, the gorier the better. As a part of the admitted Navel Gazing Mommy Blogging Community, I was delighted to be able to think, "Well, I do have a pet topic (me and my life) and yep, some of them details is purty gory! I guess I am doing it right!"

Of course, I must assume that my audience is interested in my gory life and the details that go with it, but hell, who isn't interested in my tales of sound and fury? (Ann(e), who I met at the block yard sale today, you really were interested in chatting with a total stranger for twenty minutes, right? Or was it that Southern Hospitality you have acquired by osmosis? Sure is...) Recently my intelligent sister said “That blog by the Lady Miss Kier and her poodle is the worst case of navel gazing I have ever come across! And her writing! Yikes! Every time I read her blog…” Which I thought was interesting. I mean, if you think someone is self- centered and pathetic, why are you reading the blog? Apart from the fact that I’ve read it too and it’s so bad it’s funny.

No, the point of all this (apart from being pointless for the point of it), is that I really don’t ever find myself in the position Mister David Greenberg found himself in when he was asked to post on his pal Mister Dan Drezner’s political blog. Since my subject is me, a subject I find endlessly fascinating, I really don’t have much trouble in finding topics on which to post. Life as a mother, of twins or otherwise, is full of Excruciating Minutiae, and other mothers really do care. We understand that genius lies in the details. Case in point, the post you just read – interesting, and, dare I say it, well written, and really, about nothing at all.

How fascinating!


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