Sunday, August 28, 2005

How to shoot yourself in the foot.

I am now part of the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, and was assigned an article on "How To" for the next issue on their magazine. The topic was my choice. I decided to write on the Diaper Weaning process, because my boys are going to be two in two weeks and I have little potties for them all ready to go. Baby B has peed several times in his potty and Baby A once, so I was sure I would soon have tips and advice and bits of experience to share.

Ha ha! Ho Ho! Hee Hee! Snort Chuckle, gasp Hahahahaha! I forgot I was dealing with TWO-YEAR OLDS. And two year old boys at that. They have, mulishly, decided to have nothing more to do with their potties. Oh, the DH and I still sit them down, all hopeful and cheerful and say pee pee! Yes pee! Good boys! pee pee! like a couple of early morning morons, but no dice. I sent out a call to some other mothers of twins I know who have been successful and asked for stories and or tips, but golly, I guess they are just as harried/busy/depressed and overwhelmed as I am. I have not heard a squeak. (Except for Library Lil- but your article just made me realize how tough it is for all MOTs...)

Maybe my boys are not ready yet, but they seemed so interested a few weeks ago! They have always been fascinated by the toilets in public restrooms, but I am sure that has more to do with the fact that I yell – get your hands out of there! every time we use a public restroom. At home they like to chitchat with me as I pee, and I have been consistent in explaining what’s going on as I do so. However, they are wildly inconsistent with their interest in themselves, which seems odd. I thought boys were ALWYS fascinated by themselves. But I guess not. We have had mornings when it's okay and other days when they act as if I am asking them to sit on a potty made of red hot iron.

Just three days ago Baby B woke up first. At 5:55 am. Jeez. But, we stayed peppy; I took off his PJs, sat him down, and he sat there quite nicely. About a minute later, he peed in the potty and we all clapped; Baby B, Baby A and I. I tried the same with Baby A, but no dice. He yelled and squirmed away and wanted nothing to do with the potty at all. I guess I missed the window of opportunity that day, so I though I'd try again later. We haven't had a potty pee since then. Deep sigh.

Besides all this, poor Baby B has been extra specially crabby and miserable lately; I am sure it is his allergies. I am now on the hunt for natural care and homeopathic remedies to make him feel more comfortable and soothed and just happier. So far we have tried a tea of camomile, chickweed, burdock and nettles, which he drank quite well with milk and honey. I also got some Earthworm Herbals eczema salve, with calendula, chickweed, burdock and shea butter, which works well and seems to be soothing. Someone at the crunchy store advised I get him to take Omega 3 oils/fish oils. There is a product by Nordic Naturals called Strawberry Seas, or something, which is berry flavored fish oil in gelatine capsules. He'll suck out the oil and spit the capsule on the floor, but I think he's getting some of it. Do any of you have any more advice? George, whattya think?


Blogger Unknown said...

I'm a mother of twins and I feel your pain. But you're not going to like what I have to say. If your kids show absolutely NO interest whatsoever in the potty, then you need to back off and let it go for a few months. Keep trying and eventually it will happen. With my FB/G twins I did the positive reinforcement thing. From the time they were about 2.5 until the day they turned 3 I kept saying over and over "won't it be great when you're three and use the potty?" "when you're three, no more diapers" " when you're three, you'll get big kid underpants.." ad nauseum.

The day of their 3rd b'day I took away the diapers, we did hourly potty time, and by day 3 they were day trained. Night training took WAY longer, however.

1:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're right there with ya, sista'.
Joe was so excited about the potty about 3 months ago, then we got him one and nothing. nothing.
It's in the corner of the bathroom waiting for him to decide he might be interested again.

And if you (or the babies?) decide to change your article topic, may I be so to suggest that you write about food! You have given me some great ideas for new healthy snacks for Joe, and I would love to know what else you have up your sleeve.

3:00 PM  

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