Monday, October 24, 2005

That cow shall be executed at dawn...

I read a hilarious post the other day on a blog I love, Mimi SmartyPants .

She provides the funniest and strangest links on her site, and one of them was all about meatpacking and the meat industry. (No, not that kind of meatpacking! Get you mind out of the gutter. It’s squashing me.)

There was one section about condemned pigs and cows, and for what reasons meat is rejected as unfit. She called the section unintentional vegetarian propaganda. I got such a hee haw laugh out of the section on sexual odors of swine! The writers put over and over “such meat shall be condemned.” I kept thinking, “Man, these poor animals keep getting get condemned. They must have some awful lawyers.”

Unintentional as the propaganda was, I must admit: after reading some of the slaughtering techiniques used to prepare beef for those tidy parcels we see at Stop and Shop, I have passed by the meat section of the market, without taking anything home. How much protein is in tofu anyway?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahhh . . . you're beginning to get a glimpse into the some of the reasons my husband, Brian, became a vegetarian! If we knew the truth about the foods we eat, would we shop at grocery markets at all? Is ignorance bliss, or is it just ignorance? Combine the meat industry with high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated fats and you get gross, empty, cholesterol-producing food. Okay, when are we going to start our organic farm?

3:46 PM  

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